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Daylight Bovolo

Architect & Interior designer
Who am I

Daylight Architect and Interior designer

I graduated in 2010 in "Architecture of Cosntructions" at Politecnico University of Milan. 

In 2014 I took a second Master at Politecnico di Milano in "Social and Collaborative Housing".

But, if you really want to learn who am I and how I work, you should know what I stand for and who, among notable architects, are my heros.


Loredana & Renato's Appartement

Interior design

Interior design is about understanding the qualities of a space, and surprisingly also understanding its limitations.

But most of all, it's about making people feel at home.





My dream house

Interior Design

I wish I could have bought this appartment. It had all the features for a perfect home. 

Perfect location, silent and stunning, here's how I would have designed my perfect dream house

Sovrapposizioni produttive

Urban planning

AAAarchitetticercasi is one of the most important talent scouting challenges in the architecture field in Milan.

In 2015 me and my collegues won the second price with this design.


Thanks to my collegues:

Marzio Galimberti,

Moez Chatmen,

Roberta Bianchi,

Luca Brivio,

Irena Kapo.  

Vista Sezione piastre.jpg




Dalle Briccole alla Cadrega

Product design

Riva 1920, one of most known Italian design firms, announced in 2011 a design competition to develop urban benches re-using wood from the Venecian Lagoon.

This is the design with which I partecipated.

Social House Extentions

Urban policy

In 2014 two associations Xciti and progettoCIVIS promoted SmartCivis a talent scouting competition among students in Milan.

Students should develop ideas to create system innovations aimed at a sustainable and inclusive city of the future.

My idea, developed with Pablo Escobedo, involved social housing, refurbishment and energy saving mixed with collaboration, win-win strategies and a dose of free enterpise.


 This was one of the winning projects.

Creacivitas-infografiche_strategia urban


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Vivere a Galliate

Urban Planning & Architecture

This was my graduation thesis, designed in collaboration with Tommaso Bocchia

We designed an urban development where we focused on the relationship between public and private space, mix of functions and living opportunities.


professor Massimo Fortis

architect Bruno Melotto

Who am I
My dream house
Sovrapposizioni produttive
Dalle briccole alla cadrega
Social House Extensions


Email: | Tel: +39 340 7882180

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